Do More

Do More

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Organix is for (cool) kids.

I don't like to spend money. Not deep down at my core. I like the idea of it more than I like it. Like Augie from Role Models when Paul Rudd asks if he likes Coca Cola.

"I like the idea of it more than I actually like it."

I will go into Rite Aid with the intention of buying Olay or Aveeno body wash (because I know it's probably worth the extra couple bucks), and then, I walk out with Suave or St. Ives. There's always a lot of agony involved. Thanks, Mom, I apparently inherited your frugality in at least beauty products. So much for cleanliness being next to godliness... Something happens though when I give up something huge. Whether it's wine, hard alcohol, carbohydrates, or sleep. I. Want. To. Spend. Money. Granted, it's on stuff I need and was planning on buying anyways. Scott's lucky I'm not his ex-wife the "I'm entitled to a $100 hair cut and a shopping spree at Macy's" girl. The last time I had one of these "moments" was last week. In Rite Aid, of course, because I have that little thingy that hangs from your key chain that means you are married to them for all your pharmacy/toiletry needs are one of the cool kids. I needed conditioner. The Dove stuff I had been rationing out for what felt like centuries was finally forcing me to open it up and scrape the insides with my finger. (One of my favorite things to do with an almost empty nut butter jar. NOT so much a favorite when I'm trying to take a quick shower. You take quick showers when you are a mom. I think it's in a contract somewhere.) The little brother recently came home with the Renewing Morrocan Argan Oil Organix shampoo, and I had been itching to try them. I am in love with the brand without even ever receiving a free sample. I fall in love easily with products that have about 20 scents- and claim to be "nourishing", "revitalizing", "renewing". Smelling things is my favorite. Don't judge me. That's how you avoid drinking bad milk... He nonchalantly mentioned it was $10. Are you kidding? And that's just half the equation. At that point do you pinterest how to make conditioner that costs zero bucks? My hair is red at the moment, and  I was planning on buying the John Frieda Radiant Red conditioner. They were out. Convenient much? I've been buying Garnier Fructis and Herbal Essence for awhile and let's be real. They don't fulfill the needs of colored hair. And I've been noticing the red needs more hydration then say, when I do black. To my delight, I noticed that some of the scents of Organix were (only? It seems so wrong to say that.) $6.99. That's a sale right? If the bro spent $10, I mean c'mon, that's $3 off. Oh the lengths I will go to make myself believe I am right. Well, it took about ten minutes to choose which one I wanted. Originally I read that the Teatree Mint one is great for dyed hair, but the one bottle was dirty. I have standards. So, it was a sniff test between Coconut Milk, Vanilla Silk, and Acai Berry Avocado. Coconut Milk won out.

I used it the first time this morning. Oh my goodness. So freaking worth the $7. Unfortunately, it's going to take another five years and a billion dollars to try ALL of them. ;-)


  1. You are not the only one who inherited that all-things-frugal outlook on beauty products. :-P That is the only reason I can explain countless lipstick tubes and eye shadow tubes that I will never wear and will throw away in ten years because they were given to me and have some great brand emblazoned on the outside.

    $6.99? Totally a sale. But why didn't you just use The Brothers shampoo on the side?

  2. Lol. I am TERRIBLE at throwing away my makeup. I threw away a nasty, thick black nail polish the other day because I realized it was almost 5 years old. I don't knwy why I didn't think to steal his shampoo. It's not like I'm not also currently stealing his tomatoes and spinach... ;-)
