Do More

Do More

Monday, April 29, 2013

I don't read labels unless there are calories involved.

One of my favorite things on the planet right now is Oxyelite Pro.

One of my other favorite things is Celsius.

Celsius was introduced to me in little Crystal light on the go type packets, and yes, it said it could burn "100 calories per hour", but that's not why I got into it. I liked the supposedly orange spicy ginger flavor and I noticed all the vitamins it packed. Apparently, I missed something enormous.


When you take Oxy, you are NOT supposed to consume caffeine in other forms. I don't like rules, so it's taken me 5 weeks to be like: I think I'll have peach detox tea this morning.


Those Celsius packets? Ooooh, Honey, that shit has has 200 mg per packet. (Comparison: That beats a Monster energy drink.)

Let's get real.

*cough* I drank 3.5 packets today....alongside my 2 (upper dosage) Oxyelite.
So yes, 700 mg of caffeine.

Might explain why I couldn't get enough water today? Might explain why I was dry heaving after my run tonight, and why my body felt just up and down and wrecked for hours after.

Hopefully, it doesn't explain my first mile, which was 7:26 and felt like cake. (Cake that makes you run fast, NOT cake that cauces anger and cellulite...) I made myself back off, and I'm glad I did. Not lookin for any heart attacks at 26.

Anyways, now that it's almost 2 am, I think I've mostly come down from my orange flavored cocaine. 

Tomorrow is going to consist of me drinking A LOT of water.

Saturday, April 27, 2013

The Good. The Bad. And a few things that just "are".

Today, I needed a "reboot".


Recently, I'm learning to listen to my body brain that never shuts up, and learning to crack down on things while they're still "mole hills". When I let things get to "mountain" status, I'm usually also in mental breakdown status and too far gone to get my shit together. I actually, kind of stoically thought about all this stuff on Monday, durning my 10 miler. But today, the reboot is actually happening.

I didn't want to run to run my 7 miles this morning (see reasons below). I did them anyway, because I don't like wimping out. I also like to make myself do penance... The miles felt sloppy. Off. I felt fat and disgusting. Every glimpse in a window: "Who is linebacker trying not to topple over with every stride?!" Or right. It's you, fatass. Yes, I am mean to myself. Whatever. I was shocked, however, to look down at almost 10k and realize I was at 50 minutes. Not bad for sloppy and fat. I finished strong, and as I walked home pondered how amazing the human body is and how fucked up the human mind is. I keep being given glimpses of what I'm capable of achieving if I just suck it up, do the work, and stop tearing myself down.

Hence, the "reboot".


*Limit the liquor:

Don't listen to what those Olympic marathoners say. Jose, Jack, and The Captain are not your best running buddies. (Oh wait, they don't say that? My bad...) Kara Goucher isn't where she is because she can toss back a handle of Grey Goose. Ever run mile repeats the day after shooting drowning your brain Fireball? I have. It sucks. So do longs runs at 5 am when you spend the first 4 miles trying to figure out if you're still drunk. Yup. You are. I don't regret the Pinot...Sailor Jerry etc. this week. Just like I don't regret sitting out on the patio last night, drinking SoCo, listening to Pitbull, while in earnest conversation with my husband. There is a time and place. 3 weeks out from the Half, while trying to figure some personal stuff out, seems like neither the time or place. So, buh-bye buzz. At least for a few weeks.


Don't worry, you read that right. Sometime in the last 2 weeks, I picked up the nasty surprising habit of chainsmoking half to a full pack of menthols every night. Uh, what made "my lungs are important to me" snotty, self-righteous runner Sarah do this? Basically, stress, booze, and "I don't give a fuck." I'm actually pretty good at it too (other than when I tried to smoke the wrong end last night....). Damn my need to own at everything. Trying new things is good. Trying dumb things is dumb. The End.

*Crazy Eating

By crazy eating I just mean I feel a little too up and down. One day I'm making sure I'm getting all my protein, fueling at the proper times, eating clean....The next, I'm eating animal style In 'N Out fries. How my body continues to lose weight with all this madness is beyond me. I think I just don't like the feeling of eating out too often, even if I do choose the veggie burger at Burger King and the Healthmex burrito from Rubios. I like control. Ingredients. Portions. Sodium. I rarely eat anything salty, so my poor body is wasted when I eat out.



Today marks 33 consecutive days of me taking multivitamins. The packets I was taking for 30 of those days each contained TEN pills. TEN. Do you know how badass this makes me feel? I basically spent 2 hours each morning swallowing pills. :-P  I've also been taking Oxyelite Pro 2x day (that shit works!), 2 Coenzyme/b- complex pills. (They are "natural chocolate mint" and I could probably sit and eat the entire bottle...if I wasn't trying to work on moderation - and not OD-ing on supplements....), making sure I eat proper ratios and I use amino acids mixed in my water pre/post hard workouts. For a girl who could barely could remember ONE prenatal vitamin, this is a massive deal.


I'm back to juicing at least once a day. Maybe it's the placebo effect, or maybe juice makes you a super hero...I don't know. I just like how energized I feel when I spend the time doing it. Easiest way EVER to eat apple/orange/lemon/ginger/kale/lettuce/celery/carrots/cucumber/beets. Yeah. I'm pretty sure it makes you a super hero. I've noticed too that if I juice and drink it alongside 2 sunnyside up eggs w/ avocado, I'm sufficiently fueled for at least a 7 mile run. Oatmeal w/ protein powder and flax gets old. Just saying...


Training is actually going well. I hit my key runs (with some day juggling), strength training, and have been better with the yoga.

After Monday's 10 miler:
 Me: I'm glad all I have is yoga later. It's going to hurt like a motherfucker.
 Scott: Or it might feel good.
 Me: Or I might get stuck in downward dog....

I didn't get stuck. It did hurt like hell (I hate you, Twisted Half Moon pose!). And Scott commented that it "looked too easy". Well, Sir, I can't help it if I am that good.... ;-)

After tomorrow's 11 miler, I'll be at 36 miles for the week, which is the most I've run in a LONG TIME. And considering I cross train too, I'm pretty proud of my work.

There are always things to be proud of. Just like there are always things that need to be tweaked (or "rebooted" if you are me). The important part is being able to drop some of the self-deprecation and just be honest with yourself. Not to sound all cross-fit(ty), but it's just you against you.

And I'm pretty sure I want to be the best me I can be.
