Do More

Do More

Monday, July 15, 2013

I want it that way.

I'm a big fan of starting things on Monday Mondays. Sundays are hit and miss days. Sometimes, Scott's off. Sometimes he has his crappy 10-6:30 shift. On Sunday, I usually feel like I have to pick up the slack for the rest of the week. And there is usually quite a lot of "slack". Sundays, I do double runs. Because I want to, but usually also because a run earlier in the week wasn't as long as I'd planned.

I feel like on Monday I get to decide exactly how I want my week to look. And even though I turn around and spend my week not doing things I said would or doing them on the wrong day, this is a beautiful thing. I feel peace and control on Monday. Control. I love being in control. Monday is a fresh slate, so to speak. Some weeks I actually do follow my "plan" pretty faithfully. I think this is going to be one of those weeks. I feel somewhat centered (as opposed to my normal inner chaos). Plus, I want it. I want this to be an amzing week where I follow through and prove to myself that I have the discipline to do the work to get where I want to be.

Running is just one example, but it's one that means a lot right now. Simply put, I'm running well. Really, really well. It's completely accidental and bewildering, but hell, I'll go with it. My body is resonding well to my workouts and I love seeing even subtle changes. My abs are tight. My thighs are thinning out again. My upper body is strong. Weight loss and strength training have definitely helped, but I've also spent the last 8 months since the Half Relay tinkering with my form etc. I was striking primarily with the front of my foot, which was fucking up my stride. I've evened out to a mostly neutral strike, working on bringing my knees up more, shortening my stride. Also, I try to be aware of my core and "push" through my hips. Again, my body is repsonding. I've only felt the bursitis I get in my right hamstring/glute the week prior to the Half in May. I also haven't been sore. At. All. I'm running pretty consistantly in the low 8s and upper 7s and feeling comfortable there. I have a love/hate with that. Love that I'm faster. Hate that it means I need to push my speedwork. No more running 7:15 mile repeats and 3:30 800s. Gotta push the pace. Ugh. I don't like being uncomfortable. (Really, Sarah?) Whatever. I'm realizing with the proper workouts and less nonchalance I can be a strong compeitor in races. Shit's about to get real.

I'm very invested in breaking this "keep getting 2nd place in my races" streak. Especially when it's by FOUR fucking seconds.

I'm appreciating not training for any races right now. It means I get to do what I want. I really do have a hard time with training plans. I know that they are designed by people who know more than I do, but I still have the "STOP TELLING ME WHAT TO DO!!!" reaction. Eh. Grow up, Sarah. Anyways, I like being able to decide whether I want to go long, short, cross train, strength train, not do yoga...


GOALS. That's right. Shocker. I made GOALS for the summer or what's left of it.

*Keep mileage at 40 miles (give or take).
         This has not been much of an issue. Any weeks I didn't hit 40, I chose not to and was fine with it.

*Run 15 miles.
          I don't know what it is about 15 miles. I just need to go out and run it (w/o a half marathon being involved). I think I am an increments of 5 person. Just like I am a "Monday person".

*Run a sub-21 min 5k.
          I consistently run 5k in 23 min now without really trying or "racing" it. Time to push.

I have another one that I can't remember. Because I am a mom and therefore, have mom brain. Bleh.
Cheers to being hella sore! :)

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